The Next Frontier

Constructing my own website has been long overdue. I've had a flickr page for years that I've relied on to display my photography. In some respects it has been sufficient, and I shall retain it as a means to show off a wider range of my photography than I shall here. 

I am excited for this website, to carefully curate my photography and elevate it via new syntax. I have always been fascinated by symbolic language, and loved putting together my printed portfolios in ways that informed the viewing of the photography entirely differently with each assembly. It's time to make new impressions. 

Speaking of language, I have always been of a literary mind. I've written poetry steadily since the age of 17. It was be great to have a proper place in which to compile them, as well as various essays and my assorted musings. 

For those reading now, and to myself at this moment, welcome. You are witness to my first steps, footprints, fossilized in the sand.